Lt. Governor Invites Providence

Posted by Providence on 04/12/2014

Lt. GovernorFollowing the tragedy at Sandy Hook, where twenty-seven lives were lost, the Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma, Todd Lamb, invited Providence to speak at the State Capitol before a newly formed Oklahoma Commission on School Security. The chamber was full of Committee Members, Elected Officials, and scores of Media. The topic: Guns in Schools.

Given that Providence successfully discovers numerous firearms in the learning environment, both long guns and handguns, each Academic Year, the Committee wanted to know why? Not a single Committee Member sought to infringe on any individual's Second Amendment rights, yet desired to insure Student safety.

Legislation was drafted following our presentation and soon turned into law. Firearms discovered in any Academic setting must be reported to Law Enforcement under SB 259. Criminal intent is not a part of the Statute. No Law Maker is willing to guess on whether intent will surface. The criminal act is possession alone. The Lt. Governor writes to Providence, "Thank you for your presentation to the Oklahoma Commission on School Security. Great presentation! Your information made the issue real and sobering. Please pass along our appreciation to Blue Boy!"

In Corporate America, property owners have rights. Guns in the workplace is a continuing topic with merit on both sides. At the end of the day, if the property owner elects not to have guns present in the workplace, it bears no difference than that of your rights in your own home. History has unfortunately written the script...

Photo Courtesy of The Daily Oklahoman